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Self-Care You Can Do While Your Dog Works on a Kong

How often do you give yourself a small win?

Life is pretty hard (duh) and taking care of...

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4 Ways to Build Healthier Organizational Boundaries

We need to talk about boundaries in the workplace.

It’s critically important that...

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This Question Could Change Your Life

I have a New Years resolution for you.

This goes double if the holidays were a strain on your:

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Have You Thanked a Shelter Worker Lately?

It’s National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week, so I thought I’d share an older piece...

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It's Exactly What You Need to Hear

What do you wish someone would say to you? 

If someone could say exactly the right thing to...

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Why You Need to (Literally) Schedule Some Fun

Does scheduling fun make me look nerdy?

So be it. Because scheduling fun works.

And not just...

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Is Self-Care Letting Organizations Off The Hook?

I’m always full of questions, but lately these are at the top of my mind:

Who benefits when...

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What Climbing Mt. Katahdin Taught Me

You must do the things you think you cannot do.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

My father...

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The Internet Has No Boundaries

Facebook posts, group emails, Instagram stories, Slack notifications, and on and on. The...

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52+ Songs that Make Everything Better

I asked and you delivered. 

A couple of weeks ago I posted on Facebook and Instagram...

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